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In the school


Positive Behavior Support Retainer

Schools would benefit from this service when needing assistance across multiple aspects of behavior support, data collection and analysis, or differentiating instruction, and they do not have experienced behavior analysts on site. Services available under a retainer include the following:

  • Assisting with school-wide positive behavior support efforts

  • Working with individual teachers to implement best-practice tier 1 supports in their classrooms

  • Designing and supporting Tier 2 behavior support systems (e.g. check-in/check-out incentive systems) 

  • Training and supporting on-site team members in functional behavior assessments and positive behavior support plan development

  • Services included in The LC’s Specialized Assessment and Positive Behavior Supports service line 

  • Professional development modules addressing behavior supports and behavior analytic approaches to instruction and practice 

  • Assisting teachers with differentiating content for learners 

Build Your Behavior Team

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires schools to conduct functional behavioral assessments and develop function-based behavior plans for individuals with significant and persistent behavior challenges. Additionally positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) and/or multi-tier systems of support (MTSS) are considered best practice for school-wide behavior support and are also referenced in educational law. However, many schools do not have the staff and training to implement these systems on their own. The Build Your Behavior Team service provides schools with a solution. The LC assists the school in forming an internal behavior-support team from existing personnel and works with the team so that they can effectively design tier 2 and tier 3 interventions and supports. This service is appropriate for schools who have identified school-wide values and expectations and have successfully implemented those, but are currently struggling with students who need additional support. 

Specialized Assessment and Positive Behavior Support

This service is appropriate for individual students who need individualized, Tier 3, behavior intervention, and it includes both a functional behavior assessment (FBA) and positive behavior support plan (PBSP). 

The service also includes:

  • team coordination 

  • goal setting 

  • a summary report of the results of the FBA 

  • team training on the PBSP 

  • a decision-making process for modifying the PBSP 

  • follow up treatment integrity checks 

Schools should have documented evidence of the student’s behaviors of concern persisting in spite of consistently implemented universal, Tier 1 positive behavior supports as well as tier 2 interventions aligned with the student’s needs. 

Accelerate Student Progress

Designing instruction for students with exceptional needs can be challenging for any educator or school. The LC’s Accelerate Student Progress service supports teachers and students by having one of our Consultants complete a standardized assessment with the student that allows for identification of critical skill areas and a sequence for how to establish those skills. Our Accelerate Student Progress service includes: 

  • Consultation to identify the current concerns and challenges 

  • Indirect and direct assessment of the student’s skills

  • An instructional plan for how to meet the student’s current goals

  • Scope and sequences for each targeted skill

  • A data collection and graphing system

  • Ongoing consultation with the student’s teacher(s) and modification to the programs as needed

The Accelerate Student Progress program is appropriate for students who need to develop foundational, learn-to-learn skills before they can successfully access grade-level content, students who need social skills instruction, or students who need accelerated learning as part of a tier 2 or tier 3 intervention to obtain grade-level skills. 

Good Behavior Gamify Your Class

The Good Behavior Game is a universal, tier 1 classroom management strategy that focuses on rewarding prosocial and desirable classroom behavior. The Good Behavior Game (GBG) has been demonstrated to be highly effective at reducing disruptive and aggressive behavior in the classroom and is considered an evidence based practice with strong support for improving student behavior from the What Works Clearing House. The GBG has been demonstrated to significantly reduce the lifetime likelihood of drug abuse, conduct disorder, smoking, and gang participation. It is also incredibly simple to use and many students enjoy the game. Our Good Behavior Gamify Your Class provides you with the tools and support you need to successfully implement and update the GBG in your class or across your whole school. Our team of highly-qualified board certified and licensed consultants will provide you with an assessment and recommendations to prepare your classroom for the game, and individualized version of the game’s structure and tracking system, and a plan to let you modify the game across the year to maximize student outcomes. Whether you are looking to support one classroom or your are an administrator looking to increase positive behavior supports for your school, our Good Behavior Game package is what you need. 

Kindergarten Classroom


Our school based services are available for schools on a consultative basis.  Please contact us today to learn more and discuss how our services may benefit your school community and student outcomes.

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